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Rholben’s interpretations of the traditional music of Wales are full of tenderness, wit, and
deep emotion. The sublime voice of Siriol Davies, who grew up in South Wales, is
supported by thoughtful guitar, melodic double bass, sweeping, soaring strings, and
sumptuous vocal harmonies.
Siriol takes the Welsh language songs and the tunes of her childhood and, together with
some of the most highly respected and sought after traditional musicians to be found,
creates a sound that somehow feels light and current whilst also feeling as weighty and as
old as the hill from which they take their name.
Ffurfiwyd Rholben yn Rhydychen i berfformio caneuon ac alawon gwerin Cymreig.
Aelodau’r grŵp yw Siriol Davies (llais, obo), John Ruddock (gitâr), Giles Lewin (ffidil),
Jane Griffiths (ffidil a fiola) a Colin Fletcher (bas dwbl)
Dehongliadau tyner, meddylgar ac emosiynol o gerddoriaeth traddodiadol Cymru yw eu
prif repertoire, ynghyd ag ambell i gan Galisiaidd, gan fod Siriol a John hefyd yn
aelodau o’r band Eingl-Gymreig-Galisiaidd, Xogara. Mae Giles yn aelod o’r Carnival Band
a Jane a Colin yn aelodau o’r Owl Light Trio a nifer o fandiau gwerin.
Mae llais swynol Siriol, sy’n enedigol o’r Fenni, yn cyfuno gyda gitâr meddylgar, bas
dwbl cydgordiol, llinynau esgynnol ag harmonïau persain i gyflwyno casgliad o ganeuon
gwerin Cymreig.


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